Rolled Shoulder of Pork


For fans of high-quality pork, look no further than our rolled shoulder of pork. From our friends at Woodlands Farm, Swannington. This pork is outdoor reared and created with the best characteristics of various native pig breeds, to give the ideal flavour and marbling you're looking for! 

It's also been taken special care to ensure the pork has a great taste. Only Gilt pigs are used, which produce a sweet flavour without any boar taint. This mixture of pig breeds is popular around the UK for its reliable taste and texture, making it a great choice for true food enthusiasts.

We're also proud that our shoulder of pork is prepared slower than other commercially available pork. This ensures a higher quality product that's not just rich in taste but has the right amount of marbling with a great layer of fat.

Whether you're shopping for dinner or something special, our shoulder of pork is the perfect choice. Be sure to try one of our available sizes, around 1.8kg or 2.5kg, to get a truly exceptional flavour for your feast.


Pork (100%)

Approximate weight:

1.8kg or 2.5kg



Shelf Life:

Minimum 4 days